Kemet Health


Begin your journey to healing with us

Don’t be afraid to put your mental health first. With expert help from mental health professionals, you can improve your well-being and the quality of your life. Getting the help you need is a step toward recovery.

Our Location
Contact us

Get in touch

Springfield, VA Office

Richmond, VA Office

Tampa, FL Office

Manchester, NH Office

Wilmington, DE Office

Albuquerque, NM Office

Jackson, Office

Colorado, Office

Maine, Office

Idaho, Office

“All offices are virtual. Please do not show up to the office, nobody is there to assist you. Call us at 703-256-1600 or email us at

Monday – Friday, 7AM – 6PM EST
Working hours, by appointment only: Every Day of the Week 8AM – 7PM EST

Start your mental health journey with Kemet Health